TMJ issues

  • TMJ is a common acronym used for the jaw joint—the temporomandibular joint.

    Problems with the TMJ are known collectively as TMD—temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

  • A clicking joint alone does not constitute a problem. 64% of patients with various joint noises were asymptomatic according to research by Vincent and Lilly (1988) which examined 1000 consecutive patients.

    Clicks can be caused by friction within the jaw joint preventing the disc from moving freely (Prinz, 1998). Often the disc slips back into the position it usually sits in.

  • We don’t perform invasive TMJ surgery. There are many skilled specialists that do, and your healthcare provider will be able to refer to you to them.

  • If you have difficulty opening your mouth, an injection of corticosteroids is unlikely to provide immediate release. Corticosteroids address chronic inflammation within joints.

    Unfortunately, we do not provide injections into joints for the release of locked jaws.

The rule of 5’s ¹

1. Adapted from TMJ self-care instructions, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Otago. Originally written by Dr Ajith Polonowita BDS, MDSc, MRACDS, FOMAA

This is an educational resource and should not be taken as professional healthcare advice without a formal assessment and diagnosis.

1. Heat a wheat bag in the microwave until comfortably warm. Ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s directions.


Use a warm damp towel that has been wrung out to remove excess water.

2. Wrap the wheat bag/towel around the jaw (covering the area in front of the ear on one side, under the chin, and to the other ear).

Apply this heat for five minutes.

3. Set the wheat bag/towel aside. Open your mouth as far as it is comfortable and keep it open in that position for five seconds.

4. Close your mouth and relax the jaw for five seconds.

5. Repeat 3 and 4 five times.

6. To aid in guiding your jaw in side-to-side movement, you could use a cylindrical object made of plastic (such as a round-barrelled pen) held in between the top and bottom front teeth. It has been suggested to then move your lower jaw from side-to-side (to the right and then the left) as far as comfortable five times. Do not use anything made of metal to avoid any inadvertent damage to your teeth. Make sure the item is clean.

7. Repeat 1 to 6 at least twice daily.